The Greene County Board of Supervisors met Thursday.
During reports, Greene County Attorney Thomas Laehn gave an update. He said the first jury trial of the year will take place next Tuesday. He also mentioned that there will be a draft of the county courthouse building and grounds policy to be presented during their regular meeting next Monday. Laehn said the infrastructure is ready for community service for both adult and juvenile offenders, including 70 potential partners that these individuals could do their community service with.
Wade Weiss noted the secondary road crews were out clearing county roads of snow on Thursday from 5am-5pm and they will continue on Friday as well.
Then the Board heard several more county department 2024 fiscal year budget proposals. One highlight that County Conservation Director Tanner Scheuermann proposed from the board is hiring a full time naturalist. Scheuermann said the salary range could be from $42,000-$56,000 and if approved, it would be the first time in 43 years that there would be a new full time hire for conservation.
The Board also heard from the county attorney, Greene County Ambulance, county auditor and elections, information technology and drainage, the clerk of court, board of supervisors, general services and medical examiner. The Board took no action on any of these proposals, as they will consider them during budgetary discussions.