
The Greene County School Board met Wednesday night in regular session.

The Board approved the second reading of a revised board policy on radon mitigation as presented, three student driving permits including Colton Crouse, Eyezayah Sheuermann and Bryce Timmons as presented; one fundraising request for Bailey Jones for the American Cancer Society as presented, the baseball and softball coaching contracts as presented, and increasing the Heart of Iowa Activities Conference admission prices for adults to $6 for high school activities and $5 for middle school. 

Additionally, the Board approved the first reading for a revised board policy on graduation requirements by cleaning up language, inserting the correct required credits for some of the classes and adding information about English Language Learners to create graduation paths once they’ve entered the district. They also approved two School Budget Review Committee requests for administrative costs for Grandwood Consortium for $17,211 and Woodward Academy Consortium for $754. 

The Board set the public hearing date for the 2023-24 school calendar for the regular meeting on February 15th and heard an update on the middle school roof repair project with part of the process for the Board is to approve a construction bid by their February meeting. The meeting ended in a closed session to discuss a personnel matter.