The Stuart City Council met in regular session last week.
The Council approved contribution to the Depot Manager Salary for $5,200. Stuart Rescue Director Sean Bovinett made a presentation to the Council regarding the need for an Assistant Rescue Director, recommending Paramedic Luke Dahl who is currently part of the Stuart Rescue team. It was approved by the Council to promote Dahl to this position, keeping employment status the same as previously agreed upon by Dahl and the Council, and to review the position in six months.
Public Works Director Jim Henderson made presentations to the Council on two contract extensions and purchasing mapping software for cemeteries. The first contract extension was for the cemetery mowing contract with TCB Lawn Care, LLC, a decision on which was tabled until the Council received more information on if they could extend the contract. The second contract was with Schwinger Lawl Service for spraying cemeteries, and that was approved for $2,684 for eight months from April 2023 through November 2023.
Henderson also brought forth two proposals for purchase of cemetery GIS mapping software from GWorks. One would cost $3,200 and city staff would enter cemetery data, the other was $8,000, and GWorks would enter cemetery data. Henderson advised the Council that city hall staff already works with GWorks software, and was comfortable with inputting cemetery data to reduce cost to the City. The $3,200 contract was approved by the Council.
A motion was approved to have Jenoptik prepare a contract for installation, maintenance and repair of speed cameras, with the contract going to the city attorney for review. The Council also heard from Warren Varley of the Stuart Economic Enterprise for Development on the Planning and Zoning Commission’s recommendation of extending future use zoning two miles past city limits instead of the current one mile. A motion was made and approved.
The Council then approved a $1,000 contribution to Region XII Council of Government’s Housing Trust Fund, and heard updates from Economic Development Director Matt Funk, Varley and Mayor Dick Cook.