Four Greene County kids have qualified for the next round in the Elks Hoop Shoot Contest.
The Jefferson Elks Lodge #2306 hosted the Northwest District Hoop Shoot Contest this past Saturday and four Greene County youth earned first place to move onto the state competition. The kids that were from the Paton-Churdan area included Keegan Minnihan taking home first place for the 8-9 year-old boys, Maddie Mobley won the 10-11 year-old girls, and Jaxon VanCannon earned top place for the 10-11 year-old boys. From Jefferson was the 8-9 year-old girls winner with Samantha Pedersen. The contest was to see how many free throws could each participant make out of 25 attempts.
These winners, along with two others from Ames and Estherville, will compete at the state contest in Grinnell on February 24th.
8-9 yr old girls: Samantha Pedersen, 1st place, Jefferson
8-9 yr old boys: Keegan Minnihan, 1st place, Paton-Churdan
Drew Adair, 2nd place, Perry
10-11 yr old girls: Maddie Mobley, 1st place, Paton Churdan
10-11 yr old boys: Jaxon VanCannon, 1st place, Paton-Churdan
Charter Utesch, 2nd place, Estherville
12-13 yr old girls: Payton Steines, 1st place, Ames
Jasmine Smith, 2nd place, Estherville
12-13 yr old boys: Jackson Struve, 1st place, Estherville
Joseph Ponce, 2nd place, Perry