
The Guthrie County Iowa State University Extension and Outreach has announced some events that they’ll have for February.

On February 9th, the local Extension Office will be having a taco charcuterie board class, with the program, “Spend Smart Eat Smart.” The class will be from 5:30 to 6:30pm, and cost $20 per person. All supplies will be provided as individuals learn about tools on “Spend Smart, Eat Smart” to prepare a variety of recipes for their taco boards. Registration for the event is required by February 2nd.

There will also be a science of parenting podcast presented by human sciences specialists with ISU Extension and Outreach. The podcast will cover topics from infant sleep struggles to toddler tantrums and teenager anxieties. The podcast can be downloaded from any popular podcast app, or found on the website below.

The Guthrie County Extension is also looking for volunteers interested in gardening and horticulture that can make a commitment to the program. There will be 40 volunteer hours and 40 education hours in the first year, and 20 volunteer hours and 10 education hours following the master gardener training. Participants with any level of experience gardening are welcome, and minimum age for participation is 16-years-old. For more details, call the Guthrie County Extension at the number below.

Science of Parenting Link:
Guthrie County Extension: 641-747-2276