Saturday is the Elks Northwest District Hoop Shoot Contest.
The Jefferson Elks Lodge #2306 is hosting seven other Elks Lodges in the district, as they send their first place local winners for the 8-13-year-old boys and girls to see who can make the most free throws out of 25 attempts. There are three age and gender divisions and Jefferson Elks Exalted Ruler Bill Berger describes his favorite part of the Hoop Shoot Contest.
“It’s fun to watch the kids compete to go ahead and watch them be so serious about it and be disappointed if they miss a shot or if they make 5, 6, 7 in a row. It’s fun to watch their eyes light up and watch their face. It’s fun to watch their emotions.”
The local winners from Greene County include: Samantha Pedersen and Keegan Minnihan for the 8-9-year-olds division, Maddie Mobley and Jaxon VanCannon for the 10-11-year-olds, and Emmalin Wright and Kading Winters for the 12-13-year-olds. The contest will take place at the Greene County Middle School gym at 10am. The public is invited to attend.