The Guthrie Center City Council met in regular session on Monday night.
The Council approved alcohol permit renewals for Hometown Foods and Pine Room, and a fencing permit for a residence in the 800 block of Ashton Avenue. They also approved billing grant costs for a housing rehabilitation program through Region XII Council of Governments, and a contract renewal with Ziegler for generator maintenance services for a three year term.
The Council then heard an annual report from Mary J Barnett Library Director Jerri Hawkins, and Supervisors JD Kuster and Steve Smith inquired about an update on Grand Street along the north side of the courthouse. Mayor Mike Herbert shared that the City had not heard back from the representative with Jensen’s Insurance carrier (Traveler’s Insurance) on the claim status, and that the City was waiting on a decision from the contractor’s insurance company. Supervisor Smith said he would attempt to reach out to the insurance company for an update.
Street and Wastewater Superintendent Darin Sloss gave a department update. He told the Council that the department had spent some time on snow removal in the past month, had two grave openings, assisted with a water leak and conducted three interviews for the operator position for the department. Sloss said that all three individuals were great candidates, but that he would like to extend an employment offer to one in particular because of extra experience the candidate had. He also asked that the candidate receive one week each of sick and vacation days upon their start date. A motion to hire Colby Grove was made and passed unanimously.
City Clerk Kris Arrasmith gave an update on city hall. After a lengthy discussion on City Hall salary reviews, no decision was made.