
The Greene County Board of Supervisors met Thursday for one of its bi-weekly meetings during budgetary time.

The meeting began with a report from Supervisor Pete Bardole from a recent Greene County Development Corporation meeting about the plans for the Nueva Vida en Greene County initiative. Bardole said because GCDC didn’t get a federal grant, they are adjusting their plans to try and continue the initiative to bring the Latino population to work and live in Greene County. Some of the supervisors raised concerns about the money that was already spent on this project and if it had generated results. Bardole said GCDC worked with some of the employers for an advertising campaign and translating their existing materials into Spanish.

The Board then heard an update from Summit Carbon Solutions about their carbon dioxide underground pipeline project. Representative Riley Gibson said as of January 4th, they had 90.82-percent of the easements voluntarily acquired in Greene County for 9.61 miles of the 10.5 miles that are needed for the pipeline to connect to Louis Dreyfus. He mentioned across the state they have 61.48-percent easements as of December 29th acquired for the project. Gibson added that Summit has spent about $115 million in Iowa for the easements, including $2.2 million just in Greene County.