The basketball seasons at Paton-Churdan haven’t been as smooth as anticipated. A shortage of players, especially on the boys’ side, plus illness and other factors have cancelled or postponed more than one contest. The boys have had the minimum of five players to start a game at times, and now are playing a JV schedule instead of varsity. The girls have suited as many as eight players, but have had fewer than that at times. Weather has also made it difficult to get games in, and the Rockets and Ar-We-Va (Westside) were postponed on Jan. 3.

Activities Director Annie Smith told Raccoon Valley Radio the plan is to play at home in Churdan tonight vs. West Bend-Mallard and tomorrow night against Exira-EHK. The girls will be varsity action and the boys are planning to play mainly varsity games for at least in the near future.