A project is that happening at the Greene County Community Center will soon allow members access anytime day or night.
Jefferson Parks and Rec Director Denny Hammen says the JPRD Board floated the idea two years ago to make the community center have 24 hour access, with the overall goal of catering to everyone’s needs in the community.
“Particularly for the people that work swing shifts, and odd hours, and can’t make it during the regular day. We’re very pleased to have the hours that we have, we’re 5(am) in the morning until 9(pm) in the evening, but unfortunately that still doesn’t encompass everybody’s schedule.”
Hammen notes the biggest issue was finding a contractor that could secure the main office area from the public, which they accepted the bid from Westbrooke Construction, who is also doing the bathhouse renovations to the outdoor swimming pool. He talks about the next step in the process once the front office is secured.
“After that then, the security company we’ve hired the Tech Zone here in town to go ahead and beef up our security then to make this all possible and also take care of our entry security.”
Hammen is hopeful to have 24 hour access to the community center operational sometime in 2023.