In the last Guthrie Center School Board Meeting, Denovo Construction presented their initial findings from their inspection of the Guthrie Center Elementary and High School buildings.
The Board brought Denovo in to do these assessments, so that they can see what things need to be done to help improve their buildings. The elementary was built in 1959, and the estimated cost to replace that structure is $13,926,400, which is what it would take to construct the building from scratch today.
Denovo found that accessibility, electrical, HVAC, plumbing and some other on site issues needed attention. Casey Adams, a consultant for Durantem hired by Denovo, found that the building had its original breaker panels, meaning that none of the breakers are grounded. The on site and accessibility issues that were mentioned include the need for lights in the school’s west parking lot, more parking spaces, and ease of access for disabled individuals.