
As snow continues to be in the area, the Perry Police Department discusses the snow ordinance. 

Perry Police Chief Eric Vaughn says they don’t want vehicles parked on any public street, alley or city-owned off-street parking area with at least one-half of snow during a snow event. Vaughn notes they have issued 16 citations with this latest snow storm hitting the city. 

“If we put out that notice that the snow ordinance is effective we give a little time to kind of settle in. Get home from work. Get home from running around after work even. And then we went out. And if we have to issue citations and then try to make contact with the owners so they can get those vehicles moved. The biggest thing is just to help. That’s just to help get those cars out of the way so the plows can come through and get their job done.”

Vaughn says that he wants residents to continuously be mindful of the snow ordinance with the winter season just getting started.