
With snowfall and high winds happening for the next couple of days in west central Iowa, white out conditions could make travel for motorists more of a challenge.

Greene County Sheriff Jack Williams advises against people driving in blizzard-like and white out conditions on the road. However, if anyone needs to drive in those conditions to be as visible as possible by making sure headlights or fog lights are on, four-way flashers are activated, and drive slowly and under control. He describes when and why it’s important to use flashers when driving anywhere there is blowing snow that reduces your visibility.

“Anytime you’re in blizzard conditions to where you can’t see more than a telephone pole length in front of you, just turn your flashers on so that the people coming at you or behind you (can see you). Because, as we know, semis don’t slow down for much, they’re going to continue at the speed (limit) so it gives them more of an opportunity to see you to slow down before they can get to you.”

Williams adds that if you travel on state highways, there are rumble strips both in the center of the road as well as the shoulders, so that motorists have a better idea of where their lane is to stay in it. According to the National Weather Service, wind gusts are expected to top 46 miles per hour tomorrow and Friday.