
As the Perry School District prepares to go on winter break illnesses continue to be an issue throughout their buildings. 

Perry Superintendent Clark Wicks says recently they have seen 15 to 20 percent of their students absent due to sickness. He says that it hasn’t just affected their student body but it’s taken a toll on their teachers as well. 

“And I applaud our district for staying in session for the teamwork that is involved in covering those core classrooms from pre-K all the way up to the high school. So a lot of things go into play to make sure that that school can function.”

The Iowa Department of Education last year loosened requirements to be a substitute teacher. Wicks says this has helped the district. 

“So we have a few people that have taken advantage of that. So every time you have more certification and more personnel in that resource, that valuable resource is the reason that we can still be open.”

The Perry School District will go on winter break starting Thursday.