The Panora City Council met in regular session on Monday.
The Council approved to match a $3000 grant from the Governor’s Traffic Safety Grant for the Panora Police Department. In a previous meeting, Panora Police Chief Matt Reising told the Council that he’d like to use the money from the grant to purchase solar powered speed limit signs.
The Council took no action on a utility request on the 300 block of Northwest 4th Street and approved interfund transfers for Public Works expenditure. They also set a time and date for a public hearing to hear comments regarding Budget Amendment #1 for the Fiscal Year 2022-2023 pertaining to Public Works expenditure.
The last item the Board approved was their recommendation for who should represent the Panora Emergency Medical Services on the Guthrie County EMS Advisory Council. Council members approved Panora EMS Director Levi Johnson as the primary and Mayor Patrick Parker as the second, in case Johnson would be unable to attend.