
Hispanics United for Perry (HUP) has a rich tradition of holding its Las Posadas Celebration and it starts tomorrow. 

The event will begin with a ecumenical church service at the St. Patrick’s Church at 6:30pm and after there will be a procession and caroling on 2nd Street. Following the caroling at 7:30pm, there will be a dinner served with pork birria, rice and beans. The Perry Public Library will also be involved with a story and activity time for children. HUP President Rosa Gonzalez says this event is a Hispanic Christmas tradition that re-enacts Mary and Joseph’s search for a safe place at the posada for baby Jesus to be born. 

“This is also a tradition, right, that this is something that happens every year in so many cities and places in Mexico. And as a way to prepare to celebrate the holidays are really nice ways to get together and to start warming up for the big celebration.”

Gonzalez says that the procession stops at various businesses to carol and they will ask for shelter until the last stop participants are invited inside to share a meal together. She adds they will ask for a free will donation for the dinner with all the proceeds to go towards the Hispanics United For Perry.