The Adel DeSoto Minburn School Board met on Tuesday.
The Board approved Tim Canney as the Board President and Bart Banwart as = Vice President along with appointing Eric Brown as the Secretary, Treasurer and School Business Official. Next, they appointed Jamaica Reed as the High School At-Risk/Credit Recovery and Homeless Coordinator and Eric Brown as the Affirmative Action Coordinator.
Then they approved the Dallas County News as the paper for publication, an Administrative Assistant for the Food Service Department and the district’s five year Hazard Mitigation Plan. The Board also approved the middle school show choir risers for $44,790 from Premier F&E and set January 9th to be the date for a public hearing on a real estate transfer to the City of Minburn.
They tabled the following items including the early retirement incentive for the current school year and district insurance request for proposal interviews for further consideration.