
The Dallas County Sheriff’s Office continues to serve the community every day but recently they pulled an extra duty shift. 

The Sheriff’s Office hosted the Benevolent Associations Shop With A Cop program this past weekend, which allowed law enforcement to take the 65 kids that signed up shopping for Christmas presents in a Dallas County Wal-Mart. Dallas County Sheriff Adam Infante says that this is a time for them to volunteer and do something that is not law enforcement-related but serves the community at the same time. He describes what type of items they purchased for the kids in need. 

“It’s actually really sad. A lot of people go with lists, and those lists include linens, laundry detergent, you know, household goods, not necessarily what you would think. You have some very, very mature, sadly mature ten-year-old kids that are in need to buy gloves or a hat or something like that. And that’s really humbling. I mean, that really hits you in the stomach because I take those things for granted sometimes. But we try and always make sure they get something for themselves that’s fun.”

Infante says that every child received $100 to shop and then the deputies wrapped the presents for them. He points out that this program is funded by not just the Sheriffs Office but county employees too.