Winter break is fast approaching, and the schools in Guthrie County are ready to celebrate with their Winter Concerts.
The Adair-Casey / Guthrie Center Elementary and Junior High concert will be tonight, starting at 6pm at the AC/GC Junior High building. The AC/GC High School concert will be December 19th at 6:30pm at the high school.
Panorama’s 2nd and 3rd grade classes will have their concert on Thursday from 7-8pm. The high school concert will be December 12th from 7-8pm, with the middle school concert to be on December 20th from 7-8pm as well.
West Central Valley will have their middle school concert on December 13th, starting at 7pm in the middle school gymnasium. The high school will have their concert on December 15th, starting at 7pm, and taking place in the high school gymnasium. The elementary concert will be split in two, with both taking place in the high school gymnasium on December 19th. The children from the Stuart Elementary building will perform at 6pm, while the classes from the Dexter Elementary building will perform at 7pm.