Pheasant season is still underway, but the current numbers are impressive.
Iowa Department of Natural Resources Conservation Officer for Guthrie County Jeremy King tells Raccoon Valley Radio that with the number of pheasants in the Summer Roadside Count Survey, he knew that this year’s pheasant season would be good for hunters, but a month into the season, he’s even more impressed.
“On that opening weekend, on Saturday, Sunday together, I would have to say I saw probably, average, a bird and a half a person. So I would say 70 to 80 pheasants I saw dead over a two-day period.”
King mentions that the numbers that the DNR saw during their summer road count were about 20 to 25 percent higher than last year, and he says that’s been true with the hunters he’s stopped and talked with this season. King recommends that hunters not give up on pheasants yet, as the season lasts until January 10th.