
The 3rd Annual Winter Festival Celebration of Trees begins tonight.

Jefferson Matters: A Main Street and Chamber Community Executive Director Matt Wetrich says the festivities for everyone is from 4-7pm tonight at the Jefferson Elks Lodge. He tells Raccoon Valley Radio there will be cookie decorating, kid crafts, along with Santa Claus, hot cocoa and cookies, hayrides around the square and one another special aspect.

“And of course, the trees. You get to vote on your favorite trees. Gosh, we’re in the like mid-40s I think at this point on trees. It’s going to be full, warm festive environment.”

Wetrich notes from 7-10pm will be an adult only event at the Elks Lodge.

“So there’ll be adult drinks, there’ll be food, there’ll be games and prizes, there’ll be a deejay. The newest deejay service in town, the Shuffle Couple, Emily and Dan Rohner’s new endeavor, so we’re excited to have them.”  

Wetrich adds tomorrow the Winter Festival Celebration of Trees continues from 10am-5pm with the same types of activities. Everything with this event is free.