
Winter weather affects roads and drivers every year.

Guthrie County Engineer Josh Sebern says that when snow and ice occur in Guthrie County, road crews work as quickly and efficiently as possible to clear roads and make driving safer. He adds that sometimes though, large storms can move through the area and keep crews backed up.

“Sometimes if we get a real bad blizzard, a storm, a major storm, it’s possible we’re not going to get to you on day one. Which, we make every effort, and try as much as we can, but sometimes we may not be able to. It’s just the volume of roads and if we’re all plugged up countywide, it can be a challenge.”

Sebern mentions that if residents haven’t seen a plow or motor grader for a while, they can contact the department, but asks that people please be patient as well as the road crews try to get to everyone.