
The first shotgun deer hunting season starts this weekend, and many hunters will be looking to get out and harvest an animal.

There are several things hunters need to know when they go hunting though, including when and how to tag their deer. Iowa Department of Natural Resources Conservation Officer for Guthrie County Jeremy King says that harvested deer need to be tagged before they’re moved, or within 15 minutes, whichever comes first. Bucks need to have the tag on an antler, while does can have the tag placed on a leg.

Hunters also need to have their hunting and habitat licenses with them in case they meet a conservation officer. King tells Raccoon Valley Radio that the DNR’s phone app comes in handy for that.

“It’s a free app. It’s called “Go Outdoors IA” and is available in the Google Play Store and the App Store. So go to any of those, get that downloaded. That also acts as a way to show your license to an officer as well, and you can buy your licenses off it. It shows you sunrise, sunset tables. It has everything that you would need for hunting in Iowa on that simple app.”

King says that anymore, people are more likely to forget their wallets at home than their phones, and with many hunters keeping their licenses in their wallets, the app is a good way to help keep that with them.