The Stuart Chamber of Commerce is looking to keep momentum going for businesses in the city.
Chamber Member Nate Westre says that the Chamber is looking to keep even more momentum going by bringing a social media group to town. Westre says the Hummingbirds are social media influencers who travel the state, and share their experiences with their followers.
“The Hummingbirds, you know, these invested individuals, these micro influencers, come out and shop at your business, and then they post about it and share their experiences with their followers on social media. And it really creates this vibrant community, which is something that we’re trying to do with Stuart, and particularly downtown anyway. And so it really seems like a good fit, and I think we’re going to see a lot of success with this program.”
Westre tells Raccoon Valley Radio members of the Hummingbirds will be visiting Stuart from now until December 17th to bring in more foot traffic for businesses before the holiday buying season is over.