One of the most popular hunting seasons in Iowa is just right around the corner.
The first shotgun season one will run from Saturday until December 7th with shooting hours between half-hour before sunrise to half-hour after sunset. Iowa Department of Natural Resource Conservation Officer for Dallas County Dustin Eighmy tells Raccoon Valley Radio that with the popularity of the sport there needs to be precautions taken.
“Through the seventh on the season one. We’ve got December 10th through the 18th on season two. A lot of party hunting that goes along with that. So blaze orange is a requirement. The hat alone is not sufficient enough for that. But, you know, we want you out there to be seen those blaze orange (clothing). Make sure you’ve got your tags for that.”
Eighmy notes any unfilled youth season tags can be used for any deer seasons. A reminder those wanting to find public land to hunt can use the Iowa hunting atlas which is an interactive map available at www.iowadnr.gov/hunting.