
The public is invited to a holiday concert tomorrow evening in Jefferson.

The Greene County Elementary students in kindergarten and first grade will sing various holiday and other songs as part of the “Super Celebration” concert tomorrow at 6:30pm at the high school auditorium. Elementary Music Teacher Emily Malamos tells Raccoon Valley Radio the close to 200 students have been rehearsing for this concert since late September. She says each year presents new opportunities and challenges. She points out it’s fun to have students learn about concert etiquette while also letting each of their voices shine on stage.

Malamos notes that this year kindergarteners will get to watch the older kids sing and gain the knowledge of how they did so they can improve when they sing as first graders next year. She adds the concert will consist of both grades singing together starting at 6:30pm, and then a mixture of songs for each grade before the final tune brings both grades back together again. Additionally, there will be artwork from the students on display before and after the concert. 

The Super Celebration is free and open to the public.