
Today is known as Giving Tuesday and for one local entity in Greene County they are hoping people will consider supporting them again.

Greene County Medical Center Foundation is currently raising money through its Greene Backer Campaign. Foundation Director Nancy Houska says these funds go toward supporting services that are needed locally at the medical center. 

Last year, the funds went toward opening a pain clinic, which has helped 250 patients get relief and services have even expanded due to the growing need. This year, the Greene Backer Campaign is seeking to again support the pain clinic and purchase an Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EDG) scope, which is a long, flexible tube with a camera to see the inside of the esophagus, stomach and the upper portion of the small intestines.  

The Greene County Medical Center staff donates to the Greene Backer Campaign, which has resulted in $15,000, and brings the total effort to more than $35,000. To make a donation, contact Houska at 515-386-0108 or email her at