
Projects for Guthrie County's Five-Year Secondary Roads and Bridges Plan

Bridges are a major part of roadways, and when they need repairs, it can cause some disruption.

In the November 22nd Guthrie County Board of Supervisors meeting, County Engineer Josh Sebern talked about two bridges that were in need of repair. These were bridges that had not been on the radar for the secondary roads department before until they were brought up by bridge inspectors. Sebern says that the inspectors are out and checking bridges currently, but that people shouldn’t be alarmed if they see them, because these are routine inspections.

The two bridges he brought up to the Board are southwest of Guthrie Center, and were deemed in critical condition. One is a truss bridge on Iris Avenue, and is showing signs of deterioration while the other is a paved bridge on Lost Trail that has some cracks in one of the concrete planks.

Sebern mentions that the bridge on Iris Avenue has some age to it.

“The truss itself dates to the 1920’s. It was relocated in 1959 after the ‘58 flood.”

Sebern tells Raccoon Valley Radio that he and the roads crews are looking at both temporary and permanent fixes for both bridges.