The Greene County Development Corporation Board met Tuesday in regular session.
Board President Sid Jones said Kading Properties is a housing developer from Des Moines and will be touring some of the lots that GCDC owns in Jefferson, along with discussing the possibility of installing 3D printed housing.
GCDC Executive Director Ken Paxton gave an update on the Neuva Vida en Greene County initiative that is trying to attract the Latino population to work and live in Greene County. He said they are starting to advertise their call center where Latinos can call in to see about job openings. He mentioned that they haven’t heard back from a federal grant that they applied for, and so they are applying for a state grant to get additional funding to maximize their advertising strategy. Paxton added that a new business will be moving into the former Stitch building in Jefferson.
During reports, Greene County Medical Center CEO Chad Butterfield said about 45 employees helped with the Meals from the Heartland at Wild Rose earlier this month and that the medical center is averaging 22 appointments per day for their same day program.
Alan Robinson reported that Bob Ausberger and the Lincoln Highway Association is working with Ralph Miller who owns the historic white gas station on the corner of 13th and Main Streets to restore that structure.
Mary Weaver talked about the Highway 144 Corridor Housing Initiative and how they plan to have grants available to homeowners in Dana, Grand Junction, Paton and Rippey to improve the exteriors of their homes or to clear off dilapidated houses. They have also asked each of those cities to provide 10% of their automatic funds from Grow Greene County Gaming Corporation to offset some of the costs for the grants.