
With a chance of measurable snowfall happening in Jefferson for the next couple of days, residents and businesses are reminded of the city’s snow ordinance.

The snow ordinance goes into effect anytime there is at least one-half inch of accumulated snow. Once the ordinance is in effect, there is no parking on any city street, alleyway or city-owned off street parking until public works crews have cleared the street from curb to curb.

The ordinance remains in effect until the snow stops falling or when the streets are cleared from curb to curb. However, the downtown square operates a bit differently. Parking is prohibited on the square from 2-6am until city crews are able to clear the streets of snow. Public Works Director Dave Morlan says this helps the downtown business owners an opportunity to push the snow from the sidewalks into the street before it is cleared of all snow.

Those individuals found to have violated the ordinance can face a possible citation and a fine.