
The Perry Fire Department was able to receive a federal grant and is one step closer to replacing one of their fire trucks. 

Fire Chief Chris Hinds says they took advantage of an Assistance To Firefighters federal grant to replace their 1956 Ward Lafrance Pumper Truck. Hinds explains that this truck is still certified but since it is 66 years old they are afraid that there are no parts to fix the truck if at any time it needs repairs. He tells Raccoon Valley Radio what the truck has been used for. 

It is our third out pumper truck in Perry. We use it as a truck on major fires where we need to pump to the ladder truck that we have. Whenever we have a major fire and we need to use the ladder truck, it’s never convenient that there is a fire hydrant setting right next to where we have to place the ladder truck. So we have to put a truck on a hydrant and pump the water over to the ladder truck.”

Hinds adds this truck is also the featured vehicle in parades. Hinds notes that for them to get the federal grant the city had to approve a five percent matching grant. The grant was for $477,000 plus additional $23,800 from the matching grant. Hinds adds that they will still keep the 1956 Ward Lafrance for parades and funerals.