
The Perry City Council will meet Monday.

The Council will consider for approval a Job Description and Wage for the Public Works Director Position and Hiring for the position along with Authorizing the Use of a Tree Agreement.

The Council will also consider for approval setting street cut and curb cut fees, approving Addition to the Fire Department Roster, the Professional Services Agreement with Bolton & Menk for the Violet Hill Cemetery Expansion Plan and an application to the EPA for a Brownfields Community Wide Assessment Grant.

The Council will address old business by considering an application for a CDBG from IEDA for a Comprehensive Neighborhood Revitalization Planning Grant, application for a CDBG from IEDA for a Comprehensive Neighborhood Revitalization Planning Grant and they will consider two pay applications for the 2020 Downtown Street and Utility Improvements project and the for the Wastewater Treatment Facility Improvements.


The Council will meet at 6pm at the Towncraft Building on Willis Avenue.