From P.A.C.E.S Facebook page.
The before and after school program with the Perry School District continues to stress the need to be healthy both physically and mentally.
Perry’s Academic Cultural and Enrichment Services (PACES) Program Director Mary Hillman tells Raccoon Valley Radio they are utilizing a statewide initiative of 5-2-1-0. She says the goals of the daily program include eating five fruits and vegetables, two or less hours of screen time, one hour of physical exercise and zero sugary drinks, which they practice all the time.
“So my staff also do fitness and nutrition lessons with our students. We’ve also participated in the BASICS grant over the years, Pick a Better Snack grant over the years, at one point we had a General Mills grant for healthy projects, and we were honored at the National Press Club in (Washington) D.C. So we’ve done a lot of really cool things.”
Hillman adds that a healthy child will do better in school overall.