A water main replacement project in Jefferson has taken a turn for the better.
Public Works Director Dave Morlan says the contractor, Morris Enterprises, is replacing a water main on Russell Street from Highway 4 to the wastewater treatment plant. When the project began in late August, Morlan notes the work was supposed to be done on the south side of Russell Street, however the contractor was able to avoid additional buried utilities by switching at Maple Street and continue on the north side of Russell Street.
Morlan points out Morris Enterprises actually saved money on the project, which allows for an even better outcome for the residents that are impacted by the project.
“From the money that was saved, they (Morris Enterprises) wanted to go 330-feet north up Oak Street because two one-inch (water) lines feed that whole two block area there. And they’re going to go ahead and do the full 630-feet, go all the way to Park Street and loop that in. So that’ll greatly improve the water quality on south Oak (Street) down there.”
The City Council approved the change order of $35,000 and is using those funds to complete the conversion from two one-inch lines on Oak Street from Russell Street to Park Street to a six-inch line. The nearly $400,000 project is using $300,000 from the federally-allocated American Rescue Plan Act and the rest is from Local Option Sales and Services Tax. Morlan anticipates the project to be completed by the end of November.