With the city of Perry’s Beggars Night slated for this Friday, safety is top of mind for law enforcement.
Perry Police Chief Eric Vaughn tells Raccoon Valley Radio of some reminders for people to ensure safety is observed during Beggars Night.
“I always encourage an adult to go with your kids and make sure that they’re supervised, and make sure that they’re going to houses with their porch lights on and there are people that obviously are handing out candy. A lot of those costumes are dark (so) make sure if you can maybe give that child a flashlight so they can see as they’re walking but also so they’re visible to other people, especially those people driving.”
Vaughn adds for motorists to be aware of several kids darting out in front of them as they go from house to house for candy. The citywide Beggars Night is from 6-8pm on Friday.