
Image courtesy of City of Jefferson

Heads up for Jefferson residents, water mains will be flushed next week. 

Starting Monday, from 8 to 11:45am residents from Adams Street north to Highway 30 will have their water mains flushed. Everyone from Adams Street south to Lincoln Way and Grimmell Road to Highway 4 will have theirs done from 1-3:30pm.

Then on Tuesday from 4-7am is everyone east of Highway and from Adams Street south to Harrison Street, then from 8-11:45am, it’ll be from Harrison Street south to Brackett Street from Highway 4 to Grimmell Road and Monroe Street south to Garfield from Highway 4 to Cedar Street will be flushed. The next water mains are slated for 9:30-11:45am from Lincoln Way south to Westwood Road from Grimmell Road west to city limits and from 1-3:30pm will be from Park Street south to Park Avenue and west of Highway 4, along with Park Street south to Ram Drive.

Finally, on Wednesday from 8-11:45am is from Park Avenue south to Greenewood Road and west of Highway 4. 

Public Works Director Dave Morlan says city crews do this kind of preventative maintenance work twice per year.

“And that’s just so we don’t get discolored water. Even this summer, couple of three different times we’ve had calls from people where they’ve done a load of laundry and it’s been discolored, it’s from that. So it’s good to keep the water fresh and flushed out in the mains.” 

Water department officials say residents may experience temporary low water pressure while the water mains are being flushed and possible discoloration a few hours after they are flushed. The discoloration is due to the iron from the bottom of the water lines and officials say the water is safe to drink. However, residents are discouraged from washing white clothing. If your white clothing becomes discolored, call the water department for a special detergent to remove it before the clothing is dry.

The water department’s number is 386-2611 and City Hall is 386-3111.