
Early yields are continuing to come in as harvest season progresses across Iowa.

Dallas County ISU Extension Field Agronomist Meghan Anderson says almost all of the soybeans in the county, along with lots of corn, is being harvested. She points out that while the soybean harvest went smoothly, corn is being a little more difficult, with some fields having lots of moisture that is yet to dry out.

“Which is somewhat surprising because of the good conditions that we had through most of September and even into October. We thought that things would dry down quite a bit faster than they have. But we’re still seeing a lot of high moisture corn out there, fairly high moisture, that’s probably going to slow this corn harvest down some. But hopefully the warm temperatures coming up this weekend will help dry some more of that down so we can get more harvested.”

Anderson says early yields for soybeans in Dallas County are between the mid 50s to lower 70s per bushels per acre. She adds that overall, the harvest season is quite a bit ahead of the five year average and staying on pace with last year. According to the latest Crop Progress and Condition Report from the Iowa Department of Agriculture, statewide soybeans were rated 74 percent good to excellent and corn was 65 percent good to excellent.