Tomorrow is cross-country State Meet Qualifying day for Class 2A programs including Greene County. The Rams are assigned to Shenandoah in Iowa’s far southwest corner for qualifying and Coach Jeff Lamoureux’s team will likely compete against some of Iowa’s best 2A teams and individuals.
Des Moines Christian is the top ranked 2A boys’ team in the state and the Lions have the number one and three rated individuals. Van Meter’s girls are ranked third and DMC seventh with 2A’s third, fifth, eleventh, and 14th ranked girls expected to be in the field tomorrow.
The top 15 individuals and top three teams from both races will qualify for the Coed State Meet, which for 2A programs is on Friday, Oct. 28 north of Ft. Dodge at Lakeside Golf Course.
Sophomore Noah Hinote and senior Olivia Shannon have been the top runners for Greene County this season.