
The Greene County Board of Supervisors met Monday in regular session.

The Board approved next year’s health insurance plan for county employees and elected officials. The Board reviewed its options with Group Benefit Partners Representative Ryan Berven and they approved his recommendation of increasing the deductible to $60,000 and a 2.5-percent increase in premium costs. 

The Board also approved the second reading and waived the third reading to re-codify the county’s code of ordinances for a new code of ordinances, along with final adoption. They also approved the county sheriff’s quarterly report of fees and collections as presented.

During open forum, the Supervisors discussed colored lights for the Mahanay Memorial Carillon Tower. A company did a presentation display of different colored lights last week. It was mentioned that there would be a cost savings because of not having to install two lights for every fixture, it would continue with just one light, but be located closer to the tower because of the reduced heat the lights would emit. The Board is waiting to see an update of cost estimates before making a decision.