
With fall season in full swing and yard waste starting to accumulate on people’s property, it’s a good time to review the city of Jefferson’s open burning ordinance.

Police Chief Mark Clouse says residents are to burn only yard waste and can’t burn whole trees. Residents are prohibited from burning on the city’s right of way, between the street and sidewalk; as well as any street or alleyway. The ordinance allows for open burning all year for yard waste and it is from dawn until dusk. He states that people usually will burn yard waste in a burn barrel or a metal box. Clouse reminds residents to be aware of others when choosing when to burn their yard waste.

“We do get several complaints a year from neighbors, this is the time of year that we open our windows and enjoy that beautiful fall weather and the neighbor’s burning for two weeks in a row and I’m smelling that. Not that you can’t burn but please try to be kind to your neighbors.”

Clouse adds officers can issue a citation and fine to property owners not following the city’s open burning ordinance.