The Adair County Public Health have received the COVID-19 Bivalent Booster and are ready to serve the community.
Director Stephanie Claussen says that the Bivalent Vaccine is available for those 12 years and older which protects against the original COVID-19 and the Omicron strain. Claussen explains to get this vaccine a person must be two months past the completion of the two series COVID-19 vaccine.
“So it has better protection against the latest strain. And it’s important for those to get a boost because if they haven’t gotten this latest booster, then they probably don’t have as great of a protection against the strain that’s dominant right now that’s causing the most illness. And again, just similar to flu vaccine, it does help you prevent severe illness, hospitalization and death.”
Claussen recommends people to get vaccinated before November so that you have immunity for the cases potential surge of the winter months.