The Jefferson City Council met Tuesday night in regular session.
The Council set a public hearing for October 25th at 5:30pm to receive public input about a possible Iowa Economic Development Authority Community Development Block Grant for an upper story housing conversion project at 100 East State Street. They also set the same public hearing date and time for the plans and specifications, form of contract and notice to bidders on the wastewater treatment plant improvement project.
Additionally, they approved the third reading to amend an ordinance to increase residential landfill fees and sanitation rates as presented, writing off more bad debt from 2012 of $13,478, and creating a new ordinance to prohibit parking on the north side of Adams Street, west of Grimmell Road. It was mentioned that by not allowing parking on one side that will open the street wider for emergency vehicles and delivery trucks. They also approved a change order for $36,541 toward the Russell Street water main replacement project and an engineering agreement with Bolton and Menk not to exceed $15,200 for a sewer lining improvement project.
Finally, it was mentioned that the Jefferson Public Library is leaning toward a $10 million expansion project to the north, based on the findings from the feasibility study.