The Perry City Council met Monday night in regular session.
During open forum, Perry Library Director Mary Murphy said next Saturday will be Shred Day at the library’s south parking lot from 10am-noon.
Then a public hearing was held for the proposed zoning change of agriculture to light industrial via a request by Perry Economic Development for its Industrial Park. No concerns were brought up during the hearing. The Council then approved a sixth pay application to Wenthold Excavating for $129,214 for phase one of relocating the runway at the airport for an extension project. They also approved a second change order for that project of $45,006 which will be paid for through a Federal Aviation Administration grant. Next, the Council approved three voluntary annexation properties that are owned by Lemar Koethe, Hope K Farms and Carl Stukenholz through a petition process. Each property will be on a sliding scale to be exempt from city taxes. Finally under old business, the Council approved the second pay application of $252,506 for work on the 2020 Downtown Street and Utility Improvement Project.
Under new business, the Council approved an application for a Downtown Perry Upper Story Housing Pilot Program. If the Nudgers is awarded a Community Development Block Grant, they would use the $20,000 match for two apartments to be rehabilitated at 1306 2nd Street. They also set two public hearings for the next Council meeting on October 17th for a CDBG Upper Story Conversion project with the Iowa Economic Development Authority and CDBG Comprehensive Neighborhood Revitalization Planning Grant.
Finally, the Council approved the seconding readings and waived the third reading for final adoption of two amended ordinances. The first was to impose a four-percent franchise fee on the gross revenue generated from sales of electricity in the Interstate Power and Light Company. The other ordinance was to allow off-road utility vehicles and snowmobiles within city limits. Finally, the Council approved a second reading to amend a zoning ordinance to change from agriculture to light industrial in the Perry Economic Development Industrial Park.