
Supervisors in front and the visitors from Moldova behind them

The Dallas County Board of Supervisors met in regular session Tuesday. 

The Board approved a demonstration day in November at the Des Moines Area Community College Dallas County Farm at a date to be announced later. Soil Max, headquartered in Ames, will demonstrate a system that allows farmers to do their own field tiling. The field day will be open to local producers as well as students. They also approved allowing a county bulldozer to move and flatten piles of earth on the farm. DMACC staff also presented a proposal to build a new 40x72x20 foot pole barn to store hay and equipment on the farm for approximately $52,000. The Supervisors expressed support for the project but requested a second bid.

Special guests were five members of Parliament from Moldova who attended the meeting to learn more about local government. Their tour included a visit to Washington, D.C. and meetings with Iowa officials.