
As September winds down, so does National Preparedness Month but being aware of how you can prepare for disasters is helpful year round.

Dallas County Emergency Management Coordinator AJ Seely tells Raccoon Valley Radio how people can be prepared for most emergencies including understanding of what the potential disaster risks are in your community, assessing your capabilities and resources and making a plan to keep safe or evacuate and executing that plan. He emphasizes by being better prepared it can take a situation from being an emergency to a minor inconvenience as he describes a water outage scenario.

“Where you lose water at your house for whatever reason, if you don’t have water at home that’s an emergency. But if you have three gallons of water at home per person, it’s a minor inconvenience. Instead of not having water, not being able to drink, you now have an ability to drink water.”    

Seely points out the importance of National Preparedness Month.

“I think National Preparedness Month is a great time to refocus on an annual basis some preparedness activities but it’s important to recognize that preparedness is a year round event.” 

Seely adds there are ways people can also get additional information about preparing for other emergencies through his department’s Facebook page. Click the link below to access the Facebook page.
