
The Jefferson City Council met in regular session Tuesday.

During open forum, resident Bruce Bannister said that pressure from the city has made his neighbor Eric Crystal remove some nuisance items from Crystal’s property and thanked Building Official Chad Stevens for his work on the issue. 

Also during open forum, another resident spoke in favor of the Council re-considering allowing All-Terrain Vehicles within city limits. He respected Police Chief Mark Clouse’s concerns about ATVs crashing with other vehicles at uncontrolled intersections, however he said the person most responsible for operating an ATV is the driver of that vehicle. The Council took no action on the topic.

The Council then approved the third reading of an amended ordinance to increase water rates by five percent and they approved a third reading of another amended ordinance to adjust sewer rates up to 11 percent starting next fiscal year. Additionally, the Council approved a second reading to amend an ordinance increasing landfill fees $0.50 and increasing sanitation rates by $1.05 for the remainder of this fiscal year and then increasing each by $0.25 for the next four fiscal years. The other agenda item about the plans and specifications for the wastewater treatment plant was tabled to next month’s meeting.

During reports, Council member Matt Wetrich said the Jefferson Parks and Rec Board has concluded its feasibility study for an indoor swimming pool and the Board is no longer going to lead that effort but welcomed any private citizens to do so. 

Finally, the Council held its priority budget workshop. The top three priorities, as surveyed by the Council included housing, economic development and the animal shelter. The priority budget workshop is to help city staff designate funds for the upcoming fiscal year.