The West Central Valley School District Homecoming festivities have started and the Stuart Police Department is encouraging everyone to be safe.
Sergeant Katie Guisinger says an annual tradition in Stuart on the Thursday homecoming is covering certain places with toilet paper. Guisinger explains that people involved with this activity need to be aware of others.
“Don’t throw things when moving. Vehicles don’t damage any property. There’s a difference between putting toilet paper on some trees and a fence and breaking something at the park or someone’s property. And then finally I tell them, the one thing is, if they’re on someone’s private property, like a personal residence and the homeowner tells them to leave their property, I remind the students, you do need to leave the property, because if you don’t, that can become a criminal trespass.”
Guisinger notes she still wants those participating in homecoming to have fun but be respectful of others.