The Jefferson City Council will meet tomorrow night.
The Council will consider for approval the third reading to amend an ordinance to increase water rates by five percent, a third reading to amend another ordinance to revise the sewer rates to increase to 11 percent starting next fiscal year, and a second reading to amend an ordinance to increase residential landfill fees to $3 and residential sanitation rates to $12.50 for the remainder of this fiscal year and then a subsequent increase of $0.25 increase for each of the next four fiscal years.
Additionally, the Council will consider for approval ordering bids, plans and specifications, form of contract and notice to bidders and set a public hearing for the wastewater treatment plant improvements. Finally, the Council will hold its annual 2024 fiscal year budget priority work session.
The meeting will be at 5:30pm in person and electronically at the City Hall Council Chambers. Click the link below to access the meeting remotely.