The Greene County School Board met Wednesday night in regular session.
Under old business, the Board approved the second reading of a new policy for employee use of cell phones as presented. The Board then approved six student school permits, 14 fundraising requests, an out of state travel request for FFA was approved, along with the first reading of two revised board policies, including the district not being required to provide a custodian for non-school related event that is held on school grounds, as well as changing graduation requirements for special education students that it be in accordance with their Individualized Education Plan.
The Board also approved a School Budget Review Committee request for allowable growth to get the spending authority for special education deficit of $448,421 and access to Limited English Proficiency of under $10,969. Board President Steve Fisher was appointed to the Iowa Association of School Boards Delegate Assembly, and they approved a $48,766 quote from CDW-G for new Google Chromebooks and upgrades to existing devices with payment from Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funds.
Superintendent Brett Abbotts also mentioned that due to a resignation last month, Curriculum Director Karen Sandberg will now oversee the home school assistance program and Traci Ogden will help
As for the student construction class building a storage shed at the high school, instructor Kurt Davis told the Board a price estimate from Tri County Lumber was under their first quote from Menards and that dirt work is being done, with the students marking out where the concrete piers will be.