
September is National Library Card Signup Month.

Jefferson Library Director Jane Millard encourages anyone who doesn’t have a library card to get one because it’s free and you can have access to any of the programs and services that are offered at the library. She talks about an extra incentive for people to get a library card or for those who already have one to use it throughout this month.

“Take a photo of yourself with your library card from the Jefferson Public Library and post it on our Facebook page anytime during September (and) we’re going to take your name and put it into a drawing for the prize at the end of September. Again that’s a surprise!”  

Millard explains anyone that is three and older is eligible to get their own library card. She describes what things can be checked out in the Children’s Department.

“With their library card your child may check out books, puppets, audiobooks, puzzles, games and movies too. They also now have access to several different, free educational online resources. With these programs, children and their parents can work with online tutors, learn new languages, and even digitally borrow books that might not be available in their school or public libraries.”     

Contact the library at 515-386-2835 or the Children’s Department at 515-386-4415 for more information about how to sign up for a library card.